Resources and Forms
ELC provides support to families and connects them to local resources that maximize their role as their child’s first teacher.
View our “Everybody’s A Teacher” video.

ELC provides support to families and connects them to local resources that maximize their role as their child’s first teacher.
View our “Everybody’s A Teacher” video.
Public Records Request: Please contact Chief Program Officer, Arnold McKay, (850) 385-0504.
Written requests can be mailed to 2639 N Monroe St, Building C-300, Tallahassee FL, 32303, or faxed to (850) 270-6710.
The ELC does reserve the right to deny any requests that fall within the compliance of the 2018 Florida Statutes Title XLVIII, Chapter 1002
Sponsored by the Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend Region, Inc. (ELC) and the State of Florida, Division of Early Learning