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July 2020 Family and Provider COVID-19 Update

 Q: Are parent co-pays waived for July and August? 

A: Yes. Parent co-payments are waived through August 31. Co-pays must be paid by parents and collected by providers beginning September 1, 2020. 

Q: When do providers begin collecting parent co-pays again? 

A: Parent co-pay collection must begin September 1. 

Q: Will providers continue to be paid based on enrollments rather than attendance? 

A: SR and VPK providers open as of July 1 will continue to be paid based on enrollments rather than attendance for the months of July and August. The requirement that enrolled children must have attended at least one day for the provider to be paid for that child has not changed. 

Q: Are referrals still being issued for first responders and health care workers to receive care? 

A: Yes. Employers may issue ESS referrals for new families through July 31. Employers may issue subsequent referrals for previously referred ESS families until OEL advises the end date of this program. OEL will provide 30 days advance notice of the program end date. 

Q: How long will first responder and health care worker referrals last? 

A: The referrals are good for a period of up to three months. For example, if a referral is issued July 15 and written for three months, it will end October 15. 

Q: Can a first responder get a referral for a child she is currently pregnant with and wait to use it until the baby is born? 

A: No. School Readiness services cannot be “held” for unborn children. The first responder’s HR department can only issue a referral after a child is born. 

Q: Are there any alternative methods for submitting documents for parents who cannot upload due to Portal issues? 

A: Parents are encouraged to upload documents using the Chrome browser and a computer for best results. Parents may also email to request a phone call for 

assistance with navigating the online application and document upload. Parents may also communicate by email with the caseworker handling their eligibility. 

Q: Will providers serving children with ESS referrals continue to receive bonuses? 

A: Child care providers that currently have a School Readiness contract and are serving eligible first responder and health care worker families will continue to receive bonuses through July 31. All maximum bonus payment amounts still apply. 

Q: How long do School Readiness providers have to purchase new state approved curriculum? 

A: School Readiness providers must purchase and implement curriculum by September 30, 2020. Curriculum must be from the 2020 Approved School Readiness Curriculum list located here. 

Q: School districts keep changing their start date. What are VPK providers supposed to do since we cannot start VPK until the district starts? 

A: Private VPK providers may use the original school district start date. If the district changes the date, VPK providers do not need to update their calendars and can use the original start date. For example, if the district was originally set to begin school on August 19, and then changes the start date to August 31, your VPK program can still begin August 19. 

Q: Will the ELC be coming to my location to conduct the CLASS observation? 

A: CLASS observations and assessments are currently suspended. The ELC will notify providers when this changes. 

Q: Is there still an extension for parents on the waitlist to submit required documentation? 

A: Yes. Parents on the wait list have 60 calendar days to submit the required documentation. This is valid through September 30. 

Q: If I am looking for a job am I eligible to apply for School Readiness services? 

A: Yes. Job search can be used as a purpose for care to establish eligibility and for families applying to the waitlist through August 15. 

Q: I am not currently working or in school. Am I eligible to apply for School Readiness services? 

A: Yes. The requirement to attend school or work for 20 hours or more for initial School Readiness eligibility has been waived through August 15. 

Q: Has the School Readiness redetermination deadline been extended? 

A: Yes. The SR redetermination deadlines for families whose original (or updated) redetermination due dates fell between July 15 and August 15 have been extended by 45 calendar days. 

Q: Can a child who did not complete 70% or more of the school year VPK program enroll in summer VPK? 

A: Children who did not complete 70% of the school year VPK program can apply under the hardship criteria to receive a new COE for the summer. 

Division of Early Learning
Florida VPK