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Board of Directors

The ELC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of community representatives. The Governor appoints the Chair and two other board members who must meet the same qualifications as private sector business members appointed by the ELC. The ELC is fortunate to have a dedicated and actively involved Board of Directors who are fully committed to the pursuit of quality early education and care for our children to ensure they are ready for school and ready for life.

Board Officers

Board Chair

Alyssa Beaubien
Tallahassee Young Life

Vice Chair, Secretary

Millie Tizol
Early Education and Care, Inc.

Program, Policy, and Strategy Committee Chair

Sarah Gosselin
Ernst & Young, LLP

Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair

Paul Mitchell
The Southern Group

Ad Hoc Committee Chair

Darrel James,
Capital Area Community Action Agency

Audit Committee Chair

Ryan Poole,

Board Members

Diane Head
CareerSource North Florida

Maureen O’Neil
Tallahassee Community College

Adrian Cooksey
Florida Department of Health, Gadsden

Miatta Jalaber
Department of Children and Families

Kristen Inserra
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Kim Sims
Leon County Schools

Stacey Duggar
Trinity United Methodist Church Preschool

Terrence Watts
Department of Children and Families

David Roberts
Aucilla Christian Academy


The ELC’s Board of Directors operates by a specific set of Bylaws that provide the framework of how the ELC’s Board of Directors will govern ELC staff and operations.

Articles of Incorporation

The Article of Incorporation provides the State of Florida and its residents with the purpose and basic structure of the ELC and allows the Coalition the legally operate as a corporation.

Board Committees

The ELC Board currently has four standing committees:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Finance Committee
  3. Audit Committee
  4. Program Policy and Strategy Committee

Each Board Committee operates with a Committee Chair that is appointed at the beginning of the fiscal year. Each committee shall consist of the appointed Chair and a minimum of three (3) additional members. The Committee Chair may appoint community representatives to serve on the Program, Policy, and Strategy Committee. Committees typically meet quarterly. The Board Chair may call for the formation of additional ad-hoc committees as needed.

Board Vacancies

The Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend Region, Inc. (ELC) is accepting applications from those interested in joining our Board of Directors. The ELC is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that focuses on improving early childhood education and assisting eligible working families with paying for the cost of childcare. The ELC board provides strategic direction and fiscal oversight. Applicants can be from one of the (7) seven counties of Big Bend that we serve: Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, or Wakulla. Priority will be placed on eligible representatives from Taylor, Wakulla, and Madison Counties.

Quarterly board meetings are convened via Zoom. If you are interested in joining the board or would like more information, please contact Rebecca Gonzalez, Executive Coordinator at  

Vacancies on the ELC Board include:

A district superintendent of schools or his or her permanent designee who is authorized to make decisions on behalf of the district.

A representative of private for-profit child care providers, including private for-profit family day care homes. Seeking a family child care home provider representative.

A representative of programs for children with disabilities under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

A private sector business member, either for-profit or nonprofit, who do not have, and none of whose relatives have a substantial financial interest in the design or delivery of the School Readiness or Voluntary Prekindergarten Program.

Division of Early Learning
Florida VPK