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Portal de proveedores

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Portal de proveedores a nivel estatal

haga clic aquí to access the DEL Provider Portal.

Effective July 1, 2018, all family, provider, and coalition functions occur in DEL’s statewide system. Provider contracts, profiles (CCR&R Annual Updates), and attendance will all be completed in DEL’s Provider Portal. The ELC’s Provider Portal is not being actively used at this time. Do not upload documents into the ELC’s “old” Provider Portal unless specifically instructed to do so by ELC staff.

You can find the Division of Early Learning (DEL) Portal User Guide on the portal dashboard (main page after login) under “Frequently Used Links”.

Any newly enrolled child will not appear on your attendance roster until the caregiver logs into the DEL Family Portal and accepts/approves/signs the payment certificate and the Terms and Conditions.  A family receives an email to log in to the family’s portal account and accept the enrollment to finalize the enrollment process.  Once this is done, the child appears on your attendance.

Yes, the ELC will reimburse you for all children you serve if they are eligible and their caregiver finalizes the enrollment process. For children that do not appear on your attendance roster, please remind families to finalize the enrollment process through their Family Portal account.

Until you can access your attendance roster in DEL’s Provider Portal, please refer to the communications the ELC has sent to all providers regarding current attendance and reimbursement processing. The ELC will reconcile all payments against actual enrollments when the new system’s attendance features are fully functional. Providers must keep all sign-in/out sheets in accordance with the records retention requirements of their contracts and be prepared to submit those sheets for the attendance reconciliation process.

Actualmente existe un límite de tamaño de 2 MB en los archivos que se pueden cargar en el Portal. haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre la carga de documentos y cómo solucionar este problema. 

Division of Early Learning
Florida VPK